Sunday, May 18, 2008

Alternative Fuels for Cars

Check out this show from PBS about alternative fuels for cars. It is probably one of the best put together shows about this topic I have watched (and I have watched a lot of TV, believe you me). The two technologies I believe will revolutionize the way we drive in the next few years is cellose based ethanol and battery technology. Cellose based ethanol is pretty self-explanatory. If we can create gas from grass, it is a win-win for everyone. It probably won't be enough fuel to offset the need to fossil fuels, but it is a step in the right direction. Battery technology is really where the improvements will come. Once the energy storage unit (battery) is figured out everything will start to fall into to place. Plug-in hybrids, 100% electric cars, this-that-and-the-thing will all benefit from the new technology. So, if you are someone into investing, find a company who is working on lithium-ion batteries for cars. The company that will supply that need will make be the next big thing next to Google.

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