Monday, March 31, 2008

Fitness Goals

Goals. Those wonderfully useful or useless items we write down to only ignore later on.

I decided to start with my fitness goals for the summer to come. They are the easiest for me to focus in on, and therefore, write about in the few minutes I have.

I have decided to do the following:

The Chaska Triathlon
The Best of Both: Biking and running the Firehouse 50
The Minot Marathon

Now that I have posted and advertised my said goals, I hope I will follow through with them. There are two things that I have learned about goals this year. The first is that your goal needs to have a purpose. To ride my bike more than last year is not a good goal because there is nothing for me to focus my efforts on. Secondly, you need to get others involved in your goals. Goals that are written on a piece of paper and hidden away are never accomplished. So, those are my goals for today. I will let you know what my other goals are in the next few weeks (maybe).

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